Author Academy

Author Academy

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work..."
stephen king
"...And knowing what to work on..."
David Baboulene

The DreamEngine Author Academy is dedicated to bringing you all the knowledge you need to get published and have a career as a writer.

Join the DreamEngine Author Academy and Inner Circle to gain access to all the resources you need to become a professional writer, including more than forty videos and online seminars covering every aspect of great storytelling AND getting a deal. You will also be able to watch as we develop a novel and a film from first principles. Entitled Mayakin, it will come to life in real-time right in front of your eyes in the coming year. And you can get involved if you like! This project will gradually become an incredible writer’s resource, the likes of which have never been seen before, and some people from the inner circle will win prizes, such as being extras in the film and being invited to the premiere.
We also recruit from within and offer a way for you to start your career in any number of fields related to publishing including editing, literary agency, book cover design, interior book design, PR and much much more.

David Baboulene Ph.D

Publisher | Producer | Scriptwriter | Story Consultant

Author Launch Masterclass

Enrol in YOUR Future

If you are prepared to put the work in, we will give you the pathway and the guidance you need to get the future you choose for yourself.

Eight seminars of must-have knowledge

Free books and information

Success as a published author


Membership of The Inner circle

Monthly group seminars

Advance your career

What’s in the Masterclass?

More than 40 training videos in eight critical knowledge areas to prepare you and your story for publication.

Seminar 1:

The Knowledge Gap Theory of Story

Stories are made from gaps in knowledge. Our brains thrive on them. Our ability to fill them is our evolutionary advantage. Once you understand these things, and that subtext is a function of knowledge gaps, you will be a master of story.

Seminar 2:

The Role of the Author

The author's role is to frame and orientate the audience to the direction of the story. In this seminar we establish the ways in which you can use your understanding of knowledge gaps to orientate your audience to the way you would like them to think.

Seminar 3:

The Role of the Characters

Character knowledge gaps are everything to a story. They are the medium that links the author to the receiver. Once you understand that plot and character are one and the same thing... Oh wow. Your writing takes on a whole new dimension and authority.

Seminar 4:

The Role of the Receiver

Your reader is not a receiver of information. They are a producer on your project, creating the story for themselves in their own mind, by projecting knowledge into the gaps you have crafted. This is true of every story. Ever. I use lots of real-world examples.

Seminar 5:

The Story Development Process

We work with actual story development projects to show you how to harness the power in your story idea and make sure it translates into a work of power and authority that resonates with anyone who 'gets' the power in your original inspiration.

Seminar 6:

Marketing Using Story Dynamics

Marketing. You don't like it, you don't understand it... but you HAVE to do it. In this seminar, you will learn how to use the symbiosis between story and marketing to sell yourself to the industry and your work to a wide audience.

Seminar 7:

The Secret Sauce

It's basically impossible to sell a book. You have to create an author mythology around your characters, your story world and around yourself as an author, and let the mythology sell the books for you. Invaluable, critical learning.

Seminar 8:

The Publishing Industry

If you are going to pitch yourself at the industry that is going to give you a career, you need to understand that industry, right?! In this seminar, you will gain the eye-opening insights normally afforded to writers AFTER they get a deal...

Also included

Extra Seminars:

Writer and Story Tips and Tricks

Here you will find additional and topical video blogs that answer your questions and build on the knowledge in The Author Launch Masterclass. Recent topics covered include: Handling Rejection and Negative Reviews; Aristotle’s Principles; How to Make a Pitch Deck, and this invaluable resource of videos and blogs will update regularly.

Our Dynamic Author Community

The Inner Circle:

Purchase of the Author Launch Masterclass gives you access to The Inner Circle, hosted by David Baboulene. You will be invited to online seminars with David and guests covering every aspect of becoming a successful author and you will get the chance to ask questions and even speak one-on-one with David or other experts on the team.
We recruit from within and offer a way for you to start your career in any number of fields related to publishing including editing, literary agency, book cover design, interior book design, marketing and PR, and much much more.

Becoming a member brings you the extensive and ongoing resources you need to make you a master of story and a fulfilled, successful creative in your own right.

What Writers say about us...