Film Production and Story for Film

We offer full film production services

"DreamEngine is a film production company. We can help you with all aspects of film production, from the early stages – story development, creating a killer pitch deck, producer services, production management, crew and equipment, the shoot itself, post production, music score, sales and distribution – from a dance or music video, advertisement or an entire feature film, we do the lot. And we build it all on great story!"

David Baboulene Ph.D.

Publisher | Producer | Scriptwriter | Story Consultant
"Without a story none of us has a job. And without telling it well and selling it well, none of us has a career. The most important person in the production meeting is the one who understands and drives the power in the story. Make sure that is you, and you will have a career in films."

David Baboulene Ph.D.

Publisher | Producer | Scriptwriter | Story Consultant

We help screenwriters to maximise the power in their story, package it and land a production deal

We help screenwriters to maximise the power in their story, package it and land a production deal

Your Guide for Success with Story

The Most Advanced Understanding of Story in the World
David Baboulene DreamEngine Oscar Kiss

Producers and Investors

You are Defined by the Stories You Choose.

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David Baboulene DreamEngine Screenwriters Festival

Story Industry Professionals

To Collaborate Effectively Requires Story Knowledge.

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David Baboulene DreamEngine Headshot 1

Need a Media Partner?

DreamEngine Publishing and Production Services.

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Your Guide for Success with Story

The Most Advanced Understanding of Story in the World
David Baboulene DreamEngine Oscar Kiss

Producers and Investors

You are Defined by the Stories You Choose.

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David Baboulene DreamEngine Screenwriters Festival

Story Industry Professionals

To Collaborate Effectively Requires Story Knowledge.

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David Baboulene DreamEngine Headshot 1

Need a Media Partner?

DreamEngine Publishing and Production Services.

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David Baboulene DreamEngine Teach Seminar Melbourne 2023


It's never been easier to get your story out there... but it's never been harder to get a deal. There are three pillars to writing success:

  • Ensure your story is the best it can possibly be.
  • Package and present your story in its ideal form.
  • Network yourself and your story effectively to the industry.

David Baboulene DreamEngine Teach Seminar Melbourne 2023


It's never been easier to get your story out there... but it's never been harder to get a deal. There are three pillars to writing success:

  • Ensure your story is the best it can possibly be.
  • Package and present your story in its ideal form.
  • Network yourself and your story effectively to the industry.

Together we are going to tailor you a plan that makes the most of your story idea, then sets you apart on the basis of quality and professionalism. Sad truth is, if you don't have these things, you are unlikely to get very far, even if your potential is more than good enough.

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Image for Tina Zee Head Shot DreamEngine Author

Producers and Investors

Think of a hero whose career you would love to emulate. Their fame and legacy is inextricably linked to the stories they made.

You need to read that again. The Story is The Thing. Imagine being able to confidently and objectively identify a story with the greatest potential, and then having the knowledge to guide that potential through the gauntlet of development to create a winning final product. Wow.

Using my unique, contemporary and proven methods for story analysis, evaluation, optimisation and investment is the very best way you can optimise your precious time onto the projects that will reflect well on you, gain a reputation for picking winners, make you some proper money and get you on the path to a legendary career.

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David Baboulene DreamEngine Teach Seminar Melbourne 2023

Story Industry Professionals

To collaborate effectively requires you to know where the story's power lies, so you can be sure you are adding your dimension to that power. Do you understand storification - the most powerful dynamic in every story ever made? Do you use knowledge gaps to create managed power in your story events? Do you have tools and methods for story evaluation? To truly understand if the story you are considering for investment of your time and effort will be a winner?

Image for Tina Zee Head Shot DreamEngine Author

Need a Media Partner?

DreamEngine Publishing and Production Services

DreamEngine is a one-stop shop for making books, films and music.We will edit and publish your book, provide producer services, production management, from costing a shoot through fully-provisioned cast, crew and equipment to shoot your movie.And, of course, we can help you get the story right, too!

Get in touch to see examples of our work, from videography for your music video, YouTube channel or dance crew, through advanced scriptwriting for your marketing and high-end production for your advertisement all the way up to shooting an entire independent feature film. Orchestral score composition, artwork and choreography, you name it, we have done it all. Click below to get in touch and let us show you some of the work we have done.

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What Screenwriters say...

What Screenwriters say about me...

You can see a full list of all our testimonials → here.

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work..."
stephen king
"...And knowing what to work on..."
David Baboulene
"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is hard work..."
stephen king
"...And knowing what to work on..."
David Baboulene