DreamEngine Media

We help writers get published and produced

Publishing with DreamEngine

Please start by submitting your work to us. This gives us a chance to find out about you and your story. We will then contact you for a free talk about how we might be able to benefit each other.

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Publishing with DreamEngine

Please start by submitting your work to us. This gives us a chance to find out about you and your story. We will then contact you for a free talk about how we might be able to benefit each other.

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Shaking Hands with Elvis by Paul Carroll DreamEngine Media Book

Shaking Hands with Elvis by Paul Carroll

Check Out Any Time You Like at the Grand Euthanasia Hotel


When assisted dying is legalised following the government’s sell-off of the NHS, where does the killing stop?

'Scandalously funny. Black Mirror eat your heart out" Caroline McCudden

Out now in Paperback, Kindle and Audio Book

My name is David Baboulene.
I am the founder of DreamEngine Media.
Essential Author Knowledge Seminars
Ten online video seminars. Marketing. The Author Mythology. The Publishing Industry and much more.
Online training courses for writers.
Over fifty videos crammed full of essential knowledge for writing the best possible stories.

"David Baboulene is a genius!"
Marc Zammit:

“David Baboulene is The Story Ninja.”
Craig Hinde

What Writers say about us...

What Writers say about us...

You can see a full list of all our testimonials → here.

The new world of the 'Publishing Industry'

The role of the publishing house has changed. For an author to succeed now requires a team effort and a long-term plan, so we work with you to create that plan and map a route.

We offer flexible, tailored, hybrid publishing deals to authors.

We then put a team around you and we give you the training you need to get you where you want to be.


"I started out as a novelist with two traditional publishing deals. I then got a 'hybrid' publishing deal (shared risk co-publishing) and made four times more money from those same books. I then got involved in agency deals around the world, as far afield as China, the USA, South America and Vietnam - activities I could never have imagined as an author at the outset. Most writers make basic errors in turning their talent and passion into success. I am here to help you avoid the tripwires and build the future you desire for yourself." David Baboulene


...you need an industry partner walking with you every step of the way. If you want success as an author...

Founded in
18 years of story
over 0
Training Videos
actively engaged