Shaking Hands with Elvis
Out now in Paperback, Kindle and Audio Book
Shaking Hands with Elvis
by Paul Carroll
Check Out Any Time You Like at the Grand Euthanasia Hotel
When assisted dying is legalised following the government’s sell-off of the NHS, where does the killing stop?
The sick and the old no longer have to feel they’re a burden on society and a nuisance to their families, the nation’s healthcare budget is slashed at a stroke, and there is money to be made in offering ever more inventive ways to lawfully shuffle off your mortal coil.
When Geraldine, Dawn, Jeffrey and Woody, each having a different reason for giving up the ghost, book appointments for their final journeys, they discover not everything at Go Gently’s state-of-the-art Charon House clinic lives up to the brochure.
As the clock ticks down to their appointed hour, is it really the end of the line for the gang of four, or is there life in the old dogs yet?
'Scandalously funny. Black Mirror eat your heart out" Caroline McCudden
Just a few of the many 5 star reviews for Shaking Hands with Elvis
Shaking Hands with Elvis
Out now in Paperback, Kindle and Audio Book
Paul Carroll
Paul’s writing takes on the zeitgeist in a highly engaging and entertaining way and is rarely lacking in dark humour and compassion.
Before turning to writing Paul worked in the field of PR for many years, including campaigns for well-known brands including Boddingtons, Heineken, Thorntons Chocolate, Chicago Town Pizza, Big D peanuts, Co-op Funerals and Manchester Airport.
Selling people things they didn’t realise they needed is at the heart of many of Paul’s books, often with hilarious consequences for the latest get-rich-quick merchants out to turn a quick buck at somebody else’s expense.
Born and bred in Leeds, Paul has a degree in English Language and English Literature from the University of Manchester, and currently lives in Altrincham.