Conscious Autism Parenting
Eight Habits for Looking After Yourself and Making Sure your Autistic Child is the Most Wonderful Gift in Your Life.
Being a Mom of a 14yr old son who is on the Autism Spectrum, I have to say this: if not me, then who?
Children across the spectrum are as beautiful, deserving, loveable, and as magical as any child that hasn’t had a label assigned to them. No matter how different they seem, don’t dim your children’s light.
Just because the world can’t see it. All these children need is your unconditional love, support, and understanding; even when they can’t say, do, or be the way you wish them to be.
They are still children who are a huge part of our future world: a world that we can build either by choosing ignorance or awareness.
From what can I see, we have a lot to learn from them, if we choose to. If we treat them as special as we label them, we will realise how beautiful they make our world by just being in it. They are the coolest kids that there can be.
I salute every family that works relentlessly to give and show up for their children day after day; those who make sure their children know that they matter, that they are loved, that they are safe, and that they are supported, just as they are.
I feel you, I see you, I love you, and I am grateful for all you do to keep the belief of human consciousness alive.
This book is a combination of observing other fellow autism parents and my own experiences, to teach and unveil the secret to our child’s growth.
My Transformation Journey Calendar is included in the book. It is a weekly Plan with worksheets to help you through challenging moments and make 2022 your super Transformational Year. There is a link to download and print the calendar in the book for Kindle readers.

Rachna Malkani
Author of Conscious Autism Parenting
When Rachna entered the DreamEngine and we spoke to her, we were immediately taken in by her eagerness to share the knowledge that she has gained through her life experiences.
It all came together into her unique and extraordinary book, Conscious Autism Parenting. Not only is it solid gold for anybody else who has a child with autism, but because the best thing a parent can do under these circumstances is to look after and empower themselves to take ownership of their situation, it is also a guide for self-empowerment of the kind we should all be doing. She faces the challenges of life with an autistic child with nothing but care and positivity.
Her book Conscious Autism Parenting is a game-changer for those looking for help and support.
This book is just the start of our new imprint HelpLoveSupport, focusing on self-help, self-love and support for those looking for like-minded people.
Join Rachna on the internet on Website, Facebook and Instagram
You can contact Rachna through the DreamEngine here.
Conscious Autism Parenting
Available in Paperback and KindleAll DreamEngine Books
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Conscious Autism Parenting

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