Ocean Boulevard
Adventures On The High Seas: An Epic and Exhilarating Journey All the Way... from a Boy to a Man.
Book one in David's humorous travel series.
"A seriously funny man with a great gift for story-telling. One of the funniest books I have ever read." City Talk. "RadioBaboulene is like a Bryson who has really played the field. Truly adventurous, truly hilarious and funny enough to burst your stitches!" Borders Books.
David Baboulene runs away to sea in a cloud of romantic dust for the first of his shipboard adventures. A journey which takes him across the world and back, from the Southern States of America, through Barbados and Jamaica, the Panama Canal, across to Sydney and Melbourne in Australia, then back through the Gilbert and Solomon Islands, Samoa, Tonga, Fiji and the Azores to a triumphant homecoming in Liverpool. But despite the laughs, the real journey in this strangely moving tale takes him all the way… from a boy to a man.
"Interesting, raucous and very, very funny. When it came to the end it was like saying goodbye to an old friend. One of the funniest books I have ever read." Talk Sport.
David Baboulene
Author and Principle of DreamEngine Story WorldDavid Baboulene is a published author, filmmaker, story consultant, and Ph.D. academic of story theory. His research has provably shifted the cutting edge of narrative theory from a focus on structuralism to an approach based on evolutionary psychology – factors such as knowledge gaps and subtext – that cause stories to exist and to have such power to grip and intrigue us.
David is one of the first highly qualified story consultants to also have published works of fiction and film deals for his own stories. (See the full list of published works here.)
He has also studied stories back to pre-biblical and Greek times, classical literature as well as talking to big names in contemporary story-telling,.
In a world where history is sacrificed on the altar of political correctness, Tina questions the need to change those stories, but rather learn from them. Find David on the internet on him website, on Facebook ,Twitter.and YouTube. You can contact David through The DreamEngine here